Drive around the countryside to see mesmerizing architecture and designs.

Seatbelts are mandatory for driver and passengers

Drive to your dream destinations on beautiful roads

Drive by yourself in the world’s 5th most expensive country.
Driving License in Denmark
Everything about driving in Denmark
Driving is about more than just having a good time. It is imperative that you observe the driving restrictions in Denmark to make your vacation the best and most fun it can be. Trouble during driving creates delays and inconvenience, therefore it’s essential to follow the rules of the road to avoid getting into trouble, especially in a foreign country. Here are just a few of the most important driving rules to remember in Denmark.
Some things to remember: Driving in Denmark
- Seat belts must be worn at all times by the driver and passengers in the front seat. It’s a requirement.
- You will need to drive on the right side of the road.
- Whether you have a Denmark driver’s license or another sort of foreign driver’s license, it goes without saying that adhering to speed restrictions is essential for your safety. Remember to drive only inside the speed limit to prevent any run-ins with the cops. In Denmark, the speed limit is 50 kilometers per hour in the city, 70-90 kilometers per hour in the countryside, and 120 kilometers per hour on the highway. Spot fines will be issued depending on where you were caught speeding. A punishment of up to 866 euros might be imposed on a foreign driver.
- Locals and expats driving in Denmark must be 18 years old to drive.
- Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to sit in the front passenger seat adjacent to the driver.
- Every car must have a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a warning triangle. If you’re hiring a car, double-check that these are included.
- Keep your driver’s license, automobile’s technical passport, and car insurance documents on you at all times. These are the primary items that are required in case you are pulled over by authorities.
- Always keep the rented car documents with you to avoid any inconvenience.
- Regardless of the time of day or year, all vehicles must have their headlights on while driving.
- Vehicles approaching an intersection from the right have the right of way unless otherwise indicated by signs.
- Trams have the right of way at all times and should be passed on the right.
- At marked pedestrian crossings, pedestrians always have the right of way.
Our tips for the day:
Driving in Denmark is typically straightforward after you’ve become acclimated to driving on the right side of the road, with all major highways well maintained and properly marked.
Weather Extremes:
The climate in Denmark is notably coastal, with mild, moist winters and cold, unsettled summers. Temperatures range from about two degrees in the winter to roughly sixteen degrees in the summer. The proximity of both the sea and the continent has a significant impact on the weather in Denmark.
Drive as much as you want and wherever you want with International Driving License
Your IDP is a legal form of identification in more than 150 countries around the world, and it includes your name, profile picture, and driving information in the world’s 12 most generally spoken languages, making it understandable to most local officials and authorities.
It translates your identity information into 12 languages, so it can communicate with the authorities even if you don’t speak the language. An International Driving Permit is highly recommended in Denmark. Get Your License Right Away!!
Valid in 150 Countries
Time Saving and Hassle Free
Reduces or eliminates the risk of being fined