Dream, Drive, Discover

Stay calm and fasten your Seatbelts.

Relax and Drive smoothly

Enjoy the wonderful ride!!! Texts and Calls can wait.
Complete Guide on Driving in Costa Rica
Driving Rules in Costa Rica
Having a car in Costa Rica allows you to go wherever you want, whenever you want, opening up a world of possibilities. With a little education and experience, you’ll lose your fear of driving and be ready to take on the wide road on your own.
Important Reminders of Driving in Costa Rica:
- You will need to drive on the right hand side of the road.
- Seat belts must be worn at all times by the driver and passengers in the front seat. It’s a requirement.
- Locals and expats driving in island must be 18 years old to drive.
- Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to sit in the front passenger seat adjacent to the driver.
- The legal limit for blood alcohol is 0.100 percent (100mg of alcohol in 100ml of blood).
- It is permissible and lawful to turn left on a red light after coming to a complete stop.
- Unless you’re utilizing a hands-free set, using a cell phone while driving is definitely prohibited.
- Always drive clockwise around a roundabout and give way to traffic arriving from the right. When you’re on a roundabout, don’t come to a halt to let automobiles in from the left. Keep an eye out for vehicles in the right lane. They have the right of way.
- From well-paved two-lane highways to pothole-ridden country roads with perilous river crossings, the roads range in quality. The majority of the roads in and around San Jose, the capital, are pleasant and smooth, but once you leave the city, conditions can drastically alter.
- Costa Rica’s geography is tremendously varied, ranging from high mountains and dense cloud forests to flat plains and farm areas. Many regions are accessible without four-wheel drive, but some require it. Make careful to check ahead of time to see if you’ll need 4×4 or greater clearance to get to the sites you’ll be going.
Route 2 between San Jose and San Isidro de El General, Route 32 between San Jose and Limon/the Caribbean coast, and Route 27 between San Jose and Puntarenas and Jaco are all roads to be cautious of.
Best time to visit Cayman Islands:
Costa Rica is pleasant all year, with typical yearly temperatures of 80-90 degrees Fahrenheit on the coasts and 75-80 degrees in the countryside and on the mountainsides. The months of December to April have the most consistent weather. In most parts of the country, there is little or no rain throughout these months.
Drive as much as you want and wherever you want with International Driving License
Your IDP is a legal form of identification in more than 150 countries around the world, and it includes your name, profile picture, and driving information in the world’s 12 most generally spoken languages, making it understandable to most local officials and authorities.
It translates your identity information into 12 languages, so it can communicate with the authorities even if you don’t speak the language. An International Driving Permit is highly recommended in Costa Rica. Get Your Driving in Costa Rica Right Away!!
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