Dream, Drive and Discover peace
Seatbelts On, Tension Gone
No pollution, No tension
Use Google Maps for directions
Bhutan, also known as The Land of the Thunder Dragon, is a must-see trip due to its spectacular scenery and unwavering commitment to environmental protection. Bhutanese people are required to grow trees, hence pollution does not occur.
The holders of standard tourist entry permits are only permitted to travel around the districts of Thimphu and Paro. You’ll require a Route Permit or a Special Area Permit from the Immigration Office to go to different dzongkhags (districts).
You can apply for one along with your usual tourist entry permit application. Because immigration checks are located all across the country, this should not be disregarded. The good news is that your tour operator can assist you in obtaining a Route Permit, as you will be required to provide your itinerary as well.
Your IDP is a legal form of identification in more than 150 countries around the world, and it includes your name, profile picture, and driving information in the world’s 12 most generally spoken languages, making it understandable to most local officials and authorities.
It translates your identity information into 12 languages, so it can communicate with the authorities even if you don’t speak the language. An International Driving Permit is highly recommended in Bhutan. Get Your License Right Away!!
Valid in 150 Countries
Time Saving and Hassle Free
Reduces or eliminates the risk of being fined