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Instant Approval

Fast & Easy Process

Valid from 1 to 3 years

Drive Legally Overseas

Translated in 12 Languages

Recognized in over 150 countries

Worldwide Express Shipping​ license
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Everything about International Drivers License Austria

Austria, with its tall mountains and magnificent Imperial heritage, is a country that attracts visitors. And, despite the fact that it is a small country in the grand scheme of things, there are many locations to see and activities to do. You can spend your time in Austria touring gorgeous cities rich in culture, swimming in crystal clear lakes, or skiing down epic alpine slopes.

Some things to remember of International Drivers License Austria:

  • Seat belts must be worn at all times by the driver and passengers in the front seat. It’s a requirement.
  • Austrians and expats driving in Austria must be 18 years old to drive.
  • Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to sit in the front passenger seat adjacent to the driver.
  • Every car must have a first-aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a warning triangle. If you’re hiring a car, double-check that these are included.
  • Keep your driver’s license, automobile’s technical passport, and car insurance documents on you at all times. These are the primary items that are required in case you are pulled over by authorities.
  • Always keep the rented car documents with you. to avoid any inconvenience.

Our tips for the day: Road Rules & Advice

Driving in Austria is typically straightforward after you’ve become acclimated to driving on the right side of the road, with all major highways well maintained and properly marked.

Weather Extremes:

Austria’s climate is primarily continental, with warm, rainy summers and cold, dry winters.

Drive as much as you want and wherever you want with International Drivers License Austria.

Your IDP is a legal form of identification in more than 150 countries around the world, and it includes your name, profile picture, and driving information in the world’s 12 most generally spoken languages, making it understandable to most local officials and authorities.

It translates your identity information into 12 languages, so it can communicate with the authorities even if you don’t speak the language. An International Driving Permit is highly recommended in Austria. Get Your License Right Away!!

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tValid in 150 Countries

tTime Saving and Hassle Free

tReduces or eliminates the risk of being fined

Red And White Simple Austria National Day Instagram Story (1)