Dream, Drive and Discover beauty
Seatbelts On, Tension Gone
Drive slow, Drive safe
Good news!!! All highways in Algeria are toll free.
Roads in Algeria are very well maintained, driving here can be easy if you carry all the relevant documents. It is important for you to learn the basic rules and regulations of Algeria to drive safe. Also, knowing the criteria for driving in the country is essential since if you are found driving illegally, you will be fined or worse deported.
All road signs in Algeria use French and Arabic language. It will be handy during driving to know some basic words like Kbala (straight), Kherdja (exit), à droite (right), à gauche (left).
Weather Extremes:
Algeria’s climate is Mediterranean, with moderate winters and scorching and dry summers.
Your IDP is a legal form of identification in more than 150 countries around the world, and it includes your name, profile picture, and driving information in the world’s 12 most generally spoken languages, making it understandable to most local officials and authorities.
It translates your identity information into 12 languages, so it can communicate with the authorities even if you don’t speak the language. An International Driving Permit is highly recommended in Algeria. Get Your License Right Away!!
Valid in 150 Countries
Time Saving and Hassle Free
Reduces or eliminates the risk of being fined